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Device-type template

The device-type template is a jinja2 template that will be extended by device dictionaries. The resulting file is the device configuration file.

This yaml file is used by lava-dispatcher to know how to flash, boot and communicate with a specific device.

Configuration file

The device-type templates that are supported and provided by LAVA are stored in /usr/share/lava-server/device-types/.

Admins could also provide their own device-type template using lavacli:

lavacli device-types template set qemu qemu.jinja2

Device-types provided by admins will be stored in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/<name>.jinja2.

LAVA will always look first in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/ and fallback to /usr/share/lava-server/device-types/.

This mean that admins can override every device-type templates, including the ones provided by LAVA.

Base templates

Every device-type template should inherit from base.jinja2 which contains many default structures.

For simplicity multiple base templates are provided for the most common bootloaders:

  • base-barebox.jinja2
  • base-depthcharge.jinja2
  • base-edk2.jinja2
  • base-fastboot.jinja2
  • base-grub.jinja2
  • base-uboot.jinja2


For most device-types, extending a base template should be enough.

Raspberry Pi 4b

For the Raspberry Pi 4b, the device-type could look like the following. This will only define some memory address and prompts that are specific to the board.

{% extends 'base-uboot.jinja2' %}

{% set interrupt_ctrl_list = ['c'] %}
{% set action_timeout_bootloader_interrupt = '60' %}

{% set booti_kernel_addr = booti_kernel_addr|default('0x00080000') %}
{% set booti_ramdisk_addr = booti_ramdisk_addr|default('0x02700000') %}
{% set booti_dtb_addr = booti_dtb_addr|default('0x02400000') %}

{% set bootm_kernel_addr = bootm_kernel_addr|default('0x00080000') %}
{% set bootm_ramdisk_addr = bootm_ramdisk_addr|default('0x02700000') %}
{% set bootm_dtb_addr = bootm_dtb_addr|default('0x02400000') %}

{% set uboot_mkimage_arch = 'arm64' %}

{% set bootloader_prompt = bootloader_prompt|default('U-Boot>') %}
{% set console_device = console_device|default('ttyS1') %}